
R: Right Turn

L: Left Turn

S: Straight

nn.nm->:Go nn.n miles to the next direction

I(99): Interstate, for example: I87 Interstate route 87

US(99): US Route number, for example: US9 is US route 9

(xx99): Two-character State code, for Example: NY12 is New York State route 12

Co(99) County route number, for example Co21

[x]: General direction of travel of the road you’re turning on to (N, S, E or W)

(xxxxxxx) Town name, or landmark in italics.


US20[E] -> Nassau, NY – R NY203[E]-22.9m -> Austerlitz, NY – L NY22[N] -0.7m-> L Co5[N] -6m-> L Co24[W]…

From US route 20 heading east, in Nassau, NY, turn right on New York State route 203 heading east. Travel for 22.9 miles, then in Austerlitz, NY, turn left on New York route 22 heading north . Travel 0.7 miles, then turn left on county route 5 heading north. Go six miles, then turn left on county route 24 heading west, etc.